Children Under 12 Vaccination Update

Update: January 4th, 2022

Vaccination of children under 12 has now started, and we would like to confirm for members that children who have Down syndrome are included in the vulnerable group and will be prioritised.

Children aged 5-11 will be vaccinated by appointment at a vaccination centre. You will need to register your child and make an appointment, as children in this age group can’t be accommodated in walk-in clinics or pharmacies. You can register your child on the HSE website

While there is less information about the impact of Covid-19 on children with Down syndrome than there is about adults, there is research emerging suggesting that they are more vulnerable to complications than other children. 

Further information is available from the HSE.



Issued: 15/12/2021

Following yesterday’s announcement that vaccination of children under 12 will begin soon starting with vulnerable cohorts, we would like to confirm for members that children who have Down syndrome are included in the vulnerable group and will be prioritised.

It is likely that vaccination of 5-year-olds to 11-year-olds will start soon, but the details of where and how are still being finalised. 
While there is less information about the impact of Covid-19 on children with Down syndrome than there is about adults, there is research emerging suggesting that they are more vulnerable to complications than other children. 

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