New Data Survey on Covid Vaccine for People with Down syndrome

Down Syndrome International has released data related to their ongoing survey of COVID-19 in people with Down syndrome aged 12 and older, the Trisomy 21 research society (T21RS) has shown that vaccines are safe to use in these individuals.

The survey collected information from nearly 2000 individuals with Down syndrome to determine their response to vaccination. Results showed that the majority experienced either no reaction or only mild symptoms such as pain or redness at the injection site, or tiredness. These are common reactions that also occur in the general population. In those who experienced symptoms due to vaccination, the vast majority (>95%) resolved by itself and did not require medical care.

The survey also showed that the vaccines help to protect people with Down syndrome from developing severe COVID-19 illness. A small number (14 people; 0.8%) contracted COVID-19 after vaccination and more than half of these infections occurred between the first and second dose of the vaccine (8 people), so before they were considered fully vaccinated. Of the 14, only two individuals (who both had only one vaccination) were admitted to hospital.

You can read more about this report on Down Syndrome International website. 

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