
What you'll find on this page

You will find information on our Employment Programme.

You will also find a list of jobs when they are available.

You will find a list of contact information for our Employment Team.

We also have videos and testimonials from members in meaningful employment. 


What is the Down Syndrome Ireland Employment Programme

Our National Employment Programme involves securing partnerships with employers to establish meaningful employment opportunities for adults with Down syndrome.

Down Syndrome Ireland has Adult Education Courses to help you become ready for work.  

We run Work Readiness Training Courses for different kinds of jobs. 

We hold Employment Days that adults can attend. 

Aoife Gaffney is our Head of Employment. She works with employers so people with Down syndrome can get jobs.

Adults who are ready for work can then do pre-employment training with Aoife. 

We talk about the type of jobs you might like.

Here are some places our members work

  • Offices 
  • Restaurants 
  • Hairdressers
  • Shops 
  • Hotels 
  • Supermarkets 

And many more!

If you would like to learn about jobs available to you, please contact Aoife: aoife@downsyndrome.ie 

  • Job Listings

    We will list jobs here. There are no positions currently available. Check back soon. If you are an employer who wishes to get in touch with our National Employment Programme, please email joanne.d@downsyndrome.ie.

Contact information

Aoife Gaffney is the Head of Employment.

Contact her by email on: aoife@downsyndrome.ie

If you are an employer interested in posting a job here, please contact our team. 


Our members in employment

The videos below feature just some examples of our members in meaningful employment. 

This video features James Byrne who works in Allianz.

If you have any questions you can email Aoife: aoife@downsyndrome.ie