Supporting Children Campaign


The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) has relaunched the Supporting Children campaign in light of intensified Covid-19 restrictions.

Supporting Children is a campaign developed by DCEDIY to support vulnerable children, young people and their families in challenging times.

It was first launched on 19 June 2020, highlighting the range of services and supports in place and the innovative responses to meet the needs of vulnerable groups across a range of service areas, from Child Protection and Welfare to Education Support, Parenting and Family Support and others.

The campaign is designed with two purposes. It encourages us to look out for vulnerable children whose lives and supports have been severely disrupted during the current pandemic. It also spotlights the Supporting Children website, pointing to a wide range of information detailing supports for children, young people and families across six key areas.

This information campaign has been updated based on service user feedback from the initial phase and to reflect the recently expanded DCEDIY.

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