Care Can’t Wait Campaign

The #CareCantWait campaign launched in early June by hospital consultants highlights the increasing waiting times for outpatient appointments in Ireland.

Currently, more than 550,000 patients are waiting to see a consultant for an outpatient appointment and a further 70,000 who have been assessed by a consultant are awaiting follow-on treatment.

In a recent survey of our members, 50% are waiting for an outpatient appointment for more than 6 months, with many waiting for years.  

The knock on effects of delayed treatment are costly, both for the person and for society.  

The campaign that the Irish Hospital Consultants Association (IHCA) is running over the coming months will emphasise the impact of long waiting times on patients and the need to address the lack of new consultants in the country.

We at Down Syndrome Ireland have been voicing some of the concerns that our members have shared with us regarding the current waiting times.

Share this journey with us over social media by following the hashtag #CareCantWait

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