About Down Syndrome Ireland
Down Syndrome Ireland provides information about Down syndrome.
Down Syndrome Ireland provides support for people with Down syndrome and their families.
Down Syndrome Ireland works hard to make sure that people with Down syndrome get the chance to live good lives.
Down Syndrome Ireland helps adults with Down syndrome to learn about their rights as citizens of Ireland.
Down Syndrome Ireland has a national office in Dublin and 25 local branches all around Ireland.
We help people of all ages:
Early Years
Primary School
Secondary School
Getting older
Local branches help families with early intervention, like speech therapy.
Our Early Intervention Officer can help branches with services for young children.
Our Education Officer can help families with children in school.
Some branches run adult education courses, with support from our National Education Officer.
Sometimes people need extra support. Our Adult Advocacy Officer may be able to help.
Our National Employment Officer works with Employers so that more people with Down syndrome can get jobs. She can help with interviews and training programmes.