Details of 2017 Home-Based July Provision Programme announced




The Department of Education & Skills has announced the details of the 2017 Home-Based July Provision Programme. The application form and information note on eligibility for the programme is available on their website here.

What is July Provision?

According to the Department of Education & Skills:

  • Priority will be given to applications received on or before 28 April 2017.
  • The closing date for receipt of applications to avail of the Home Based July Provision Grant Scheme is 12 May 2017.

Eligibility criteria has not changed for 2017 – July Provision is only available to children with a severe or profound general learning disability or children with autism.

However, we here at Down Syndrome Ireland are listening and we continue to represent your views about July Provision with Department of Education & Skills officials at all of our meetings with them.

Furthermore, the Government in its Programme for Government said it will commence a review – under the advice of the National Council for Special Education – on access and funding and “where efficiencies are made as part of this review”, they will consider extending the July Provision Programme to children with Down syndrome.

The scheme provides funding for an extended school year for school-going children with a severe or profound general learning disability or children with autism. Where school-based provision is not feasible, home-based provision may be granted.

Where an eligible school participates in the programme, an extra month’s education is provided to a pupil who meets the scheme’s criteria. Where school-based provision is not feasible, 40 hours home-based provision may be grant aided.

You can find the application form and all the details on the Programme on the Department of Education & Skills website here.

If you fulfil the criteria outlined by the Department of Education & Skills, applications for July Provision need to be made through your school.

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