Employment Open Day at DSI




Last week a number of adults with Down syndrome travelled to our national office to attend an Open Day for employment as part of our Ability Programme.  The group had recently been in touch with our Head of Employment, Aoife Gaffney to apply for the roles advertised on our site and social media. 

On the day the eager group was greeted by Aoife, accompanying her was Dublin Regional Employment Officer Mary Frances O’Dwyer – the day involved discussion on working and why each person wanted to work, the different types of job roles on offer and getting to meet and know new people.

We asked some of the adults if they’d like to tell us more about why they came to our Open Day, here are some of the fantastic response we got:

Ethan Dean:

I want to get a job to be good at something and have something in my life. I’m 21.


John Feighery:

I like to meet new people and make new friends. I like to go on holiday.


Margaret Brady:

I want to be good at something in my life and to get paid so I can go away.


Linda Dunphy:

I want to do something with my life, to pay bills and go on a holiday to Lanzarote, I also want to save for birthdays and other special occasions.


Hillary Smith:

I’d like to get a job to get experience, I want to save some money for Christmas.


Aileen Flynn:

I want to save for my sister’s wedding in May and for a Halloween party.


Philip Noonan:

I want to get experience, I like cooking. I want to make big money to go to Spain for the Summer. Cooking makes me happy and I like making other people happy with cooking.


The Open Day was incredibly enjoyable for everyone and we look forward to seeing the adults at the next interview stage.

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