Here To Support

We at Down Syndrome Ireland will continue to serve our members and anyone who needs help during this difficult time. Our Member Support Team – who offer advice, support, and information for all ages – are on hand to help families with children and adults who have Down syndrome throughout Ireland. This is a worrying time for everyone, so don’t hesitate to pick up the phone if you need us.
You can reach out to any of our team and you’ll find our contact details on our website – we can also still be reached at 01-5632450 and at
We’re working on increasing the amount of information that you can access online and creating additional resources for people to continue their learning at home– please bear with us and we’ll be in touch with you directly. These are strange times but please remember, we’re stronger together and we will get through this.
The Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group – DSMIG UK and Ireland have also released information on Covid-19 and how it may impact on people with Down syndrome.

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Why is there a gap between research and practice in SLT for people with Down syndrome?

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People who have Down syndrome have complex speech, language and communication issues and need speech and language therapy (SLT) to support them to develop the…

Preschool & Primary School Series Webinars

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Our Cork branch has developed a set of webinars specifically for those supporting a child with Down syndrome in their early years setting.

Zooms Resume – Updates and Changes

12 Jan 2021

DSI’s Zooms will return next week featuring our Early Years Specialist, Olive Buckeridge.