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Lack of Understanding Shown by Minister for Health to Vaccinate Essential Carers

04 Feb 2021

We are appalled at the lack of understanding of the essential role of family carers shown by the Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly when considering…

Disability groups ‘cautiously’ welcome partial reopening of special education

02 Feb 2021

Four leading advocacy organisations representing children with special educational needs and their families, AsIAm, Down Syndrome Ireland, Family Carers Ireland and Inclusion Ireland, have cautiously…

Post-doctoral researcher looking to hear your story…

28 Jan 2021

This NUI Galway project is collecting stories from disabled people about their experiences of fertility, contraception, abortion, pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, parenting, adoption, and fostering. 

Parents Homeschooling Children With Special Needs “Urgently Need Support”

22 Jan 2021

Down Syndrome Ireland member from Cork Dr. Liz Kyte who is a mother of two children with special needs, a six-year-old daughter with Down Syndrome…

Disability and Family Carer groups call on Government and unions to re-engage on special education

20 Jan 2021

Down Syndrome Ireland along with three other leading advocacy organisations representing children with special educational needs and their families, AsIAm, Inclusion Ireland and Family Carers Ireland,…

Children with disabilities and their families ‘almost completely forgotten’ in schools’ row

19 Jan 2021

Disability and Family Carer groups have appealed for the interests of vulnerable children to be prioritised, and for the Government and education stakeholders to re-engage…