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DSI member on RTÉ Nationwide

11 Jan 2019

Featured on RTÉ One Nationwide programme, we get to follow a little boy with Down syndrome called Cian Shovlin, who is the first child with…

Down Syndrome Ireland meets teachers’ union on Individual Education Plans decision

10 Jan 2019

As you may be aware, the ASTI teachers union issued an instruction to its members just before Christmas to stop implementing Individual Education Plans (IEP)…

Update on reverse changes to ECCE overage exemptions campaign

07 Jan 2019

Update on our campaign to reverse changes to ECCE overage exemptions – Meeting sought with Minister for Children and Youth Affairs

Down Syndrome Ireland to seek urgent meeting with teachers union and Department of Education & Skills

20 Dec 2018

Down Syndrome Research Forum in Speech, Language and Communication

18 Dec 2018

Minister McHugh invites views on the future direction of policy and practice.

17 Dec 2018