People with Down syndrome to be given vaccine priority

Updated on 23 February 2020 

The Government has just announced an update to the country’s COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation Strategy and people with Down syndrome are now pushed higher up the queue.

Those aged 16-69 with Down syndrome are now Cohort 4 and will be vaccinated directly after those aged over 70 and living in the community.

We know that this has been an extremely worrying time for our members with Down syndrome and we welcome that the Government has listened to our concerns and acted accordingly.


As you may be aware, late last year DSI received confirmation from the National Immunisation Advisory Committee that people with Down syndrome were included in Group 7 of the vaccination prioritisation list.

In light of the UK and Ireland Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group supporting the classification of adults with Down syndrome as extremely medically vulnerable and the increased transmissibility of the British variant of Covid-19, we have written to the National Immunisation Advisory Committee highlighting the evidence and seeking the prioritisation of adults with Down syndrome for vaccination in the same category as the over 70’s (Group 3).

This would bring us in line with the UK, Germany and other European countries.

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