Return of Adult Day Service

The Minister of State with responsibility for Disability, Anne Rabbitte TD, has announced that adult day services for people with disabilities will return to full capacity by 22nd October 2021.

Many people using the services and their families have faced enormous challenges during the pandemic, initially with the closure of day services and then with the continued reduced level of service. We have worked with families in uniquely difficult situations who have struggled to get any supports during the last eighteen months. More broadly people who have been without a full level of service have reported regression, negative effects on their mental health, and increased anxiety.

Family carers have reported feeling abandoned and unheard throughout this pandemic with little acknowledgment of their hugely important role in our society. We will continue to lobby for more adaptable services with an emphasis on individualised supports so that people receive services that meet their needs.

Infection prevention and control measures in day services will remain in place after 22 October. These arrangements include risk assessments, enhanced environmental hygiene, and pod-like arrangements in day service locations.

Mask wearing will remain in place in day services, except for those who are exempt from wearing a face covering.

Read the Minister’s press statement over on the website.

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