
Five fabulous Fruit and Vegetable Recipes

It is important to eat fruit and vegetables to help you stay healthy.

Click the image above to see five fabulous fruit and vegetable recipes in the Easy Read Picture Recipes book from TVC – The Conservation Volunteers. 

Managing Anger

Do you feel angry sometimes?

This Easy Read leaflet from The Down Syndrome Association has some great tips to help you manage anger. Click the image below to read it. 



Summer Tips 

It’s summer!

Click the image below for some summer tips from Ross O’Neill, our National Advisory Council Secretary. 

Being Healthy

How can you be healthy?

Click the image below to read a leaflet recommended by Ross O’Neill, our Junior Administrator.

You will find some things to help you be healthy. 

Washing the dishes 

Do you do the wash up?

It is another great way to build independence.

Watch this video on how to wash the dishes. 

Changing sheets 

Do you change your own bedsheets

It’s a great way to build your independence

Watch the video on how to change your sheets.

Phone safety 

Phones are really great.

Read these tips to help you stay safe. 


Your wellbeing is always important. Click this image to try these great tips for wellbeing in this UK Down Syndrome Association document.


Autumn Heritage Bucket List


Our heritage is what we have inherited from past generations. 

Our heritage can include buildings, monuments, and artwork.

It can also include traditions and the natural environment. 

Click this image below to find ideas to experience your heritage this upcoming Autumn.