Lisa Martin

Lisa Martin is our Head of Adult Education and coordinates our Adult Education Programme. Lisa is a secondary school teacher and her career has focused on students’ literacy skills. Lisa has written our work skills adult education course which forms a key part of the Ability programme. She has also taught the Latch On literacy and technology programme in our Limerick branch for four years. She supports adults who wish to progress to further education or would like training in order to enter the workforce. Lisa can be contacted through our National Office on (01) 5632450 or by mobile 086 0126 669  and on email at Read More

Lisa Martin - Head of Adult Education

Head of Adult Education

Lisa Martin is our Head of Adult Education and coordinates our Adult Education Programme. Lisa is a secondary school teacher and her career has focused on students’ literacy skills. Lisa has written our work skills adult education course which forms a key part of the Ability programme. She has also taught the Latch On literacy and technology programme in our Limerick branch for four years. She supports adults who wish to progress to further education or would like training in order to enter the workforce. Lisa can be contacted through our National Office on (01) 5632450 or by mobile 086 0126 669  and on email at