DSI launch updated Medical Management Guidelines for Children & Adults with Down syndrome

We at Down Syndrome Ireland are delighted to formally launch the updated Medical Management Guidelines for Children and Adolescents with Down syndrome in Ireland.

Down Syndrome Ireland has worked for many years alongside the Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Trinity College, Dublin and the National Children’s Hospital, Tallaght to carry out ongoing research within the area of Down syndrome so that you as parents and the medical professionals you encounter have access to the most up to date research and information to ensure your child receives the best medical care possible.

The guidelines provide both you as parents and professionals working with your child advice on monitoring your child’s health. On this page, you will find links to the latest research and information that you can use as guidance about your child’s development.

The latest update to the guidelines includes information on: GROWTHCARDIAC DISEASE and CERVICAL SPINE DISORDERS.

Included too on page 24, is an updated easy-read Suggested Schedule of Health Checks for your Child and when they should be carried out. The guidelines can be referenced by both you as parents and by medical professionals alike. We would suggest you print a copy to bring with you to your next medical appointment. We will also be issuing the Guidelines to all General Practitioners across the country.

The guidelines were first developed in 2001 with support from Down Syndrome Ireland and they are reviewed regularly to ensure the latest medical research is included.

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