We are delighted to announce that we have produced a new booklet, Supporting Children with Down syndrome in Primary School.
The vast majority of the booklet contains information that will be useful for your child’s teachers regardless of whether your child attends a local mainstream school or a special school.
Included, there is information about Down syndrome as well as suggestions of practical, manageable ways to help your child learn.
It provides advice and suggestions to ensure your child thrives at school and we would encourage you to share the booklet with your child’s teachers to help them support your child from the start.
There is a list of classroom accommodations which may be helpful to try and a page directing teachers to additional resources.
Also included is a sample template for a mini Individual Educational Plan (IEP), as we believe that short, frequent goal setting is more useful than long, unwieldy documents.
We also have a limited number of printed copies available from our national office and if you would like a copy, please email info@downsyndrome.ie or call us on 01 4266500.