How to lodge funds

If you’ve completed a fundraiser or collected donations for Down Syndrome Ireland, firstly we’d like to sincerely thank you. Your funds will help us to make a huge difference to the lives of people with Down syndrome. 

Below you’ll find a guide on how to lodge your funds.

How to lodge funds raised?

Please bank your funds within 4 weeks of your event so your hard earned donations can get to work straight away.

Online Fundraising

If you are raising funds online, the donations are automatically transferred to us monthly so you don’t have to worry about lodging your funds.


Visit and use our online form to submit your funds raised using your credit or debit card.

Cheque/Bank Draft

Drop a cheque or bank draft in the post with your name and address. Our address is Down Syndrome Ireland, Unit 3, Western Parkway Business Park, Ballymount Drive, Dublin D12 HP70

Due to new banking procedures all cheques must be made out to Down Syndrome Ireland. Please write any further information on the back of the cheque.

Bank Transfer

Make a bank transfer online or lodge any cash donations by bank with the details below. Please make sure to include your name in the details of the transfer.

Bank                     AIB

Address               Lower Baggot Street Dublin 2

Name                   Down Syndrome Ireland

IBAN                     IE75 AIBK 93101217850076

BIC                        AIBKIE2D

Post Office

If you lodge your funds in a post office, please email to let us know the date, amount and post office location of your lodgement. These donations are transferred to us anonymously from An Post and we want to be able to acknowledge your amazing generosity.

On behalf of all those who will benefit from your kindness – Thank You!