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EDSA-Webinar with Dr. Dennis McGuire

12 Feb 2021

Promoting strengths and adaptive resources in persons with Down syndrome.

Down Syndrome Ireland seeks urgent meeting to discuss AIM support for young children with Down syndrome

11 Feb 2021

DSI has sought an urgent meeting with Minister for Children, Disability, Equality and Integration Roderic O’Gorman to discuss the very serious concerns parents have for their pre-schoolers…

Partial return to special education ‘a mixed day’ for families

11 Feb 2021

Seven leading advocacy organisations sees a partial return to special education for a limited number of students, as a mixed day for families.

Submission to the ISSU

09 Feb 2021

In response to a recent request for information for the Irish Second Level Students Union (ISSU), Down Syndrome Ireland surveyed parents of members in the…

Lost in the first announcement

09 Feb 2021

Mum and Sunday Independent journalist Sarah Caden outlines that the current reopening of the schools plan announced by the Government falls far short of where…

Supporting Children Campaign

05 Feb 2021

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth (DCEDIY) has relaunched the Supporting Children campaign in light of intensified Covid-19 restrictions.